We will set up a table to sell merchandise and advertise sign-ups for the Patriots PT in October.
2 Stadium Way
Lakewood, NJ US 08701
Tribe is an opportunity for those to see how great they are. This event is built to test your strength, endurance, and mental toughness with eight grueling stations broken up with 400m runs in between. Wave descriptions are below:
Singles – Take on the course solo. Eligible for age-group prizes and banners!
Doubles – Take the course with a friend and split the zones as you see fit! Eligible for age group prizes and banners!
Gym Champions Relay – Each Gym affiliate will select their representatives to participate in this wave. Talk to your gym’s owner for more info!
Zone 1 – 25 Cal Assault Bike
Zone 2 – 20 Burpee Box Overs (24″ men / 20″ women)
Zone 3 – 750m Ski
Zone 4 – ?? MYSTERY ZONE ??
Zone 5 – 750m Row
Zone 6 – ?? MYSTERY ZONE ??
Zone 7 – 100m Farmer Carry (45lb KB’s men / 25lb KB’s women)
Zone 8 – 100m Sled Push (255lbs men / 160lb women) Sprint to Finish Line